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Well, hello there

My name is Brooke Winn and I'm a 16 year old Floridian girl who gets endless amounts of joy from taking photographs, writing stories, drawing pictures and making music.  I guess I'm less of a math brain and more of an artsy person because I've never found joy in finding things somebody else already has understood.  I want to make things.

     Some people say photography is beautiful because it captures the moment; I disagree.  I want to take pictures of what's there and create my own idea of what's really happening.  I want to imagine the emotions and the moments leading up to that very shutter click.  

     I write stories because sometimes the words pile up in your head until they stack to the brim, ready to tip over, and I think everybody has that problem; some people just find the right way to express those words.  They know the order to place them and how to make them flow like rivers and shock like lightening and it's just so, so exciting.

     I draw pictures because what better to express what's in your head?  Drawings are universally as misunderstood as the people who make them.  The pencil is a tool, and you use it to unscrew your mind and let the ideas flow free without description, letter or poise.  Who cares if somebody else doesn't like it or doesn't understand?

     And I make music because music is simply a part of who I am.  It's me, and nobody can take it away from me.  Nobody can snatch the music from my blood whether or not I have a guitar or lose my voice.  It's still there and it will always be there.


Be free,

-Brooke Winn

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